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  • Bloom Report – June 21, 2022

    “It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.”  — Maud Hart Lovelace Today marks the official beginning of summer, the Summer Solstice. Now that the warmer weather is here to stay for the next few months, the riot of spring blossoms have faded and the gardens ...
  • Lilacs

    Thanks to the Long Valley Garden Club for the lovely lilac photographs taken at the Willowwood Arboretum.
  • Tubbs Lecture – 4/24/22

    The 6th Annual Tubbs Lecture at Willowwood Arboretum was held this past Sunday, April 24, 2022, in memory of Henry and Robert Tubbs. Guest speaker, Jack Alexander, held the position of Plant Propagator for 40 years at Harvard University’s Arnold Arboretum. He shared his expertise in growing Lilacs and gave a guided walk through the ...
  • Bloom Report 4.26.22

    “I sought the wood in summer When every twig was green; The rudest boughs were tender, And buds were pink between. Light-fingered aspens trembled In fitful sun and shade, And daffodils were golden In every starry glade. The brook sang like a robin- My hand could check him where The lissome maiden willows Shook out their yellow hair” -Excerpt of ‘I Sought the Wood in Winter’ by ...
  • Spring Holds a Special Joy – 4/19/22

    Sunday Daffodils I have just enjoyed back to back visits to Willowwood so as not to miss a single new thing. While a stop at the arboretum is a delightful experience in any season, spring holds a special joy. Although the Bloom Report provides a wonderful way to “stay in touch” it is hard to resist ...
  • Arboretum Updates

    They always say that hope springs eternal, but so do Gardens especially during spring!   Let it be known that Willowwood is certainly not an exception to the rule.  If you have been by the Arboretum of late, you will have noticed the entanglement of invasive plants along Longview Road to the East of the ...
  • Bloom Report – April 8, 2022

    “There comes a day towards the end of March when there is but little wind. The Sun has gained much power, so that it is pleasant to sit out in the garden, or better still, in some sunny nook of sheltered woodland” -Gertrude Jekyll The first warm days of spring are really here since the solstice ...
  • 2022 Lilac Party CANCELLED

    After much soul searching the Willowwood Foundation Board of Trustees has made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Lilac Party. We do so in this time of uncertainty out of the utmost concern for the continued safety of our guests and staff. Please know that in the months ahead our committee will be hard at ...
  • Early Fall 9.24.2021

    “Then summer came, announced by June,With beauty, miracle and mirth.She hung aloft the rounding moon,She poured her sunshine on the earth”-Leslie Pinckney Hill, excerpt “Summer Magic” Although the main event of spring blooms has passed, the arboretum has lots of blooms for those who are willing to slow down and look. One show-stopper that is easy ...
  • Autumn Welcome

    How is it possible that 2021’s spring and summer have come and gone? Despite lingering Covid 19 concerns, we are happily welcoming the nascent signs of autumn at Willowwood.  I am so grateful that the Arboretum continues to provide the public with such a beautiful and comforting oasis as Willowwood and my appreciation extends to the ...