The pale pink Magnolia sprengeri, John Beirne’s favorite magnolia, is in full bloom on the hillside above Lois Poinier’s azaleas (on the road just past the Tubbs House). It only lasts a few days; don’t miss it (could be frosty, tonight)!
Blooming! Week of April 20, 2015
Bloom Report Monday April 20: Raining now but the sun is coming out tomorrow….
The Narcissus plantings along the entrance drive are coming into full bloom and the cooler temps should help them last longer.
Around the gardens you’ll find Hyacinths, Narcissus and blue Scilla siberica in bloom.
The early perennials –Hellebores( Lenten Rose), Pulmonaria ( Lungwort), Vinca minor ( Periwinkle), Mertensia virginica ( Virginia Bluebells) and Dicentra eximia (Bleeding Hearts) are up and putting on a show.
Check out the fragrant Abeliophyllum distichum ( White Forsythia) in flower over by the large yellow flowering Cornus mas (Cornelian Cherry Dogwood) in the bed to the left of the Conservatory (at Tubbs House).
Various Viburnums, Daphne, Pieris japonica (Japanese Andromeda )and Lindera benzoin (Spicebush) are also in flower.
Magnolia soulangiana and M. stellata (Saucer and Star Magnolias) are opening up nicely. You can find many Magnolias in the gardens, on the left and right sides of the driveway past the service road and up on the Pasture Hillside which can be reached by walking down the Moggy Hollow trail and crossing the bridge.
The Cherry blossoms are just opening and the Crabapple buds are swelling.
Don’t forget to check out the yellow and red colors on the Salix (Willow) branches and stems, they are quite stunning!

The 1st Annual Tubbs Lecture
The 1st Annual Tubbs Lecture was held on Sunday, April 19th.
Professor Anthony Aiello, Director of Horticulture at the University of Pennsylvania, presented a fascinating lecure entitled, “Japanese Flowering Cherries: A 100 Year Long Love Affair.”
Please click on the image at right for more information or go to the longer writeup on our Events page.
Sun and Blooms at Willowwood April 10
I am sure if you are looking out the window you would think that Spring is never going to arrive. But the weather forecasters say the weekend is going to be warmer and SUNNY. So if you are in the mood for a walk, Willowwood has started to look like Spring.
Bloom wise -the hellebores are showing nicely around the Tubbs House. The winter jasmine is in bloom on the south side of the Stone barn. The Cornus mas might open up this weekend and the witchazels are still showing. The beautiful dark purple crocus seems to have been fodder for our resident deer. But the daffodils are just beginning to pop here and there with green shoots and tight buds still to open. The Greenhouse is full of gorgeous pansy color.
So come and enjoy!
Spring is arriving at Willowwood 3.30.15
Despite the cold there are some wonderful signs that Spring is on its way at Willowwood:
Bright yellow winter aconite is brightening up the Cottage Garden and some Chionodoxa lucilea (Glory–of-the-Snow)in bloom by the Conservatory.
The Hamamelis (Witchhazel or sometimes called ‘winter bloom’) are in bloom! You can find two of these very fragrant shrubs across from the Tubbs’ house and in the Winter Garden. Native Americans used witch hazel leaves and bark as a poultice to reduce swelling and inflammation. Witch-hazel has long been among the best known and widely used home remedies. The word “witch” in the name of the herb is actually a derivative from the Anglo-Saxon word wych meaning flexible. The word described the flexibility of the branches that Native Americans used to make their hunting bows.
The bluebirds are definitely back, settling into their new homes with the squirrel protectors along the driveway.
And the pansies are in bloom in the Greenhouse – just look through the window…
Tiny little green shoots are appearing here and there — promising some wonderful suprises as the weather gets a bit warmer.