

2013 Photo Contest Winners

The 2013 contest featured Willowwood’s Magnolias.

Generally in bloom March into April, the top twelve photos of Magnolias were displayed at WW on Mother’s Day and at the Lilac Party, May 19, 2013. After voting, the winning photos were featured in this website’s Photo Section. First Place prize winner is Elise Ange. Navjot Singh won 2nd Place, Peggy Wagemann, 3rd Place and David Mills, 4th Place.

Willowwood Magnolia Tour

Willowwood’s Magnolia Collection is quite diverse, including at least 128 varieties. We are especially delighted with our new yellow magnolias!

Updated with New Spring 2013 photos!

Willowwood Volunteer

Volunteers are an important part of keeping our splendid gardens looking their best. Enjoy the gardening, join in with a fun group of people — become a volunteer at Willowwood today.