Summer 2022 is here in all its glory and change is in the air. I am pleased to announce that the Willowwood Foundation Board has recently added a new trustee, Olga Christie of Far Hills. Olga is an accomplished gardener and photographer. Native plants, trees, and shrubs reign supreme in her home garden and her passion for nature photography has been beautifully expressed through her images of Willowwood Arboretum in all seasons. We are delighted to welcome Olga to the Board.
After another stunning and showy season our lilacs are sleeping once again. But have no fear! They will spring back to life in time for our 25th Lilac Party next May. So please save the date: May 21, 2023. The Lilac Party Committee is hard at work planning an exciting reawakening event after our long period of covid hibernation. More details to follow.
If you haven’t been by the Arboretum lately, be sure to put a visit on your summer “to do” list. Of special note is the newly renovated Rosarie. There are several unique features including an eye-popping “purple door” and a gentle water feature which adds coolness and a sense of peace to the lovely environment.
Special thanks to MCPC staff member Zinnia Cheatham, Plant Records Curator Specialist, for her informative bloom reports and Instagram posts.
With best wishes for a safe and happy summer.
Meryl Carmel
President, Willowwood Foundation