4/15/14 Our second bloom report!
The heat this weekend finally pushed along some blooming.
The Cherries in the Rosarie are starting to bloom. The big ,old Cherry in the Lilac collection and the one behind the Conservatory are breaking bud.
The Cornus mas by the entrance and by the Rockery are full of yellow flowers.
The Daffodils in the fields and the Winter Garden are in bloom.
The Magnolia stellata (Star magnolias) are in bloom throughout the Arboretum.
The Pansies are in full flower in the Propagation house. We’ll start planting them outside on the 21st.
The Rockery is full of color-Squill, Hellebore’s ,Primroses ,Double Bloodroot, Daphne, Pieris and White Forsythia.
There is a large fragrant Viburnum farreri in bloom in the Lilac collection along with the Forsythia.
There is Jeffersonia blooming on the left side of the Chive walk .
There is more Bloodroot blooming by the Wisteria arbor next to the Shingle barn, see if you can find it! Remember it opens up in full sun and closes at night.