Author: Webmaster

Willowwood Bloom Report May 12, 2014

As the warm weather arrives this week, now is the time to visit Willowwood.

Believe it or not, there are still daffodils in bloom. The bright yellow Lois, Elizabeth and Golden Sun Magnolias (near the field parking areas on both sides of the drive) are in full bloom and are just exquisite.

The first early Lilacs are just beginning their bloom. We are about two weeks late due to Mother Nature this year, so we expected the Lilac Bloom season to be starting peak a bit later this month – but we will keep you advised!

The Crabapples and Viburnums throughout the gardens and collections look and smell wonderful. Many spring flowering perennials such as Epimediums, Bleeding Hearts and Primroses are flowering. If you walk the trails to the Pasture Hillside or through Monarda Meadow you’ll see lots of small, pink Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginiana) in bloom.

And the creamy white tulips by the Stone Barn are in bloom as are some wonderful fringed Purple Hybrid Darwin tulips blooming by the Propagation House.

Finally, the cell phone tour is up and running. Just bring your cell phone to Willowwood Arboretum and enjoy a free 1-hour long tour of the grounds by simply dialing a number and listening. Signs at each stop provide the local phone number. And there are cards in the directory by the main parking lot with full instructions and map. Have fun!

Getting ready for Mother’s Day!

May 8, 2014: We’re happy to report that with the upcoming warm spell we expect to have some lilacs in bloom by Mothers Day.

Spring has really sprung at Willowwood!

The Crabapples and Viburnums throughout the gardens and collections look and smell wonderful. Many spring flowering perennials such as Epimediums, Bleeding Hearts and Primroses are flowering. If you walk the trails to the Pasture Hillside or through Monarda Meadow you’ll see lots of small,pink Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginiana) in bloom.
Willowwood’s late blooming daffodils are still gorgeous, flowering trees including the Magnolias and Spring flowers are also still in bloom including some beautiful tulips just starting!

Spring has been later than usual so the LILACS are just beginning but warm weather is promised for the weekend through next week so maybe you might catch a whiff of their wonderful scent!

Willowwood’s Cherries after the Rain!

5/1/14 The weekend’s Bloom Report

After yesterday’s terrible rain and the generally poor weather this past week, we are delighted to let you know that The Cherries survived the rain! So with the great forecast for the next few days, we have extended the deadline for entries for the WW Fdn. Cherry Photo Contest to Sunday May 4th.

The tulips are ready to put on a show in the next few days and the pansies are blooming.
In the Winter Garden the Serviceberries (Amelanchier) are blooming and check out the white ‘Stainless’ daffodils that are in bloom along the path.

The Dogwoods and Redbuds that line the field edges are just showing color.

If you take a stroll down the Woodwalk you’ll see blue and yellow Primroses as well as the fiddleheads on the emerging ferns and the large rosettes of the skunk cabbage.

In the Conservatory the Lemons, Jasmine and Bird of Paradise are blooming.

Blooming Cherries at Willowwood Arboretum

4/23/14 Hi, cherries are now in full bloom and barring bad weather – should be in great form now through the weekend. Trees are throughout the property but many are towards the lilac walk.

If you plan on participating in the Willowwood Foundation Photo Contest – all entries must be emailed (multiple emails ok but max 3 jpegs per email) by May 1st.

Photos must be taken at Willowwood – either this year or last year – and you may choose to have photo only of cherry tree/flowers etc. or have them in the background of another scene at Willowwood.

Any questions, please email.

Top 10 photos will be on display at the Mothers Day event and the Lilac Party for visitors to vote for their favorite. Winners will then be announced on the website:

Good Luck! Can’t wait to see your photos!


Leslie Allain
Administrative Director
Willowwood Foundation

Rain ending, Cherries starting at Willowwood!

4/15/14 Our second bloom report!

The heat this weekend finally pushed along some blooming.

The Cherries in the Rosarie are starting to bloom. The big ,old Cherry in the Lilac collection and the one behind the Conservatory are breaking bud.

The Cornus mas by the entrance and by the Rockery are full of yellow flowers.

The Daffodils in the fields and the Winter Garden are in bloom.

The Magnolia stellata (Star magnolias) are in bloom throughout the Arboretum.

The Pansies are in full flower in the Propagation house. We’ll start planting them outside on the 21st.

The Rockery is full of color-Squill, Hellebore’s ,Primroses ,Double Bloodroot, Daphne, Pieris and White Forsythia.

There is a large fragrant Viburnum farreri in bloom in the Lilac collection along with the Forsythia.

There is Jeffersonia blooming on the left side of the Chive walk .

There is more Bloodroot blooming by the Wisteria arbor next to the Shingle barn, see if you can find it! Remember it opens up in full sun and closes at night.