

Meet Our New President

Brace and Meryl

It is with great pleasure that I write to introduce Meryl Carmel as the new Willowwood Foundation President and Joseph Arvay DMD who has the difficult job as replacement for past Treasurer and long time Trustee Stathis Andris to whom we owe many thanks for his financial diligence and guidance.

I will assume the responsibilities of Vice President, insuring a smooth transition as we move forward.

Meryl is an author, historian, horticulture enthusiast and is passionate about Willowwood and its History. Her collaborative personality, tenure with the Willowwood Foundation and big picture thinking are a perfect fit for the role of President.

Joe also brings many years with the Willowwood Foundation Board, a huge passion for horticulture and an analytical style that perfectly suits the role of Treasurer.

With both Meryl and Joe’s institutional knowledge and commitment to the Willowwood Arboretum, the Foundation’s leadership remains in very capable, committed hands. We look forward to the resumption of our regular activities: The Lilac Party (May 15, 2022), Tubbs Lecture (April 24, 2022), Mothers Day Lilac Sale and the Autumn Open House in 2022. Thank you for your continued support of the Foundation and interest of the Willowwood Arboretum.

Warm Regards, Brace Krag

Bloom Report 5.7.2021

“Mother Nature presents neither a wrinkled face nor tottering form, but constantly renews the bloom of her youth, while time fills up the volumes of her history.” -James Lendall Basford.

Spring has settled in and Willowwood is now bursting with blooms. The main event- the annual lilac display- is now starting to reach its peak as blossoms are opening up in bold hues of pink, purple, and blue. Many crabapples have been planted in the main garden during the past few years so visitors will also spot some additional bright blooms near the lilacs. The next week is also a good time to see the last of the spring bulb display as the daffodils and tulips are beginning to fade with the warmer weather. Now is the time to enjoy Spring at Willowwood with your family among the peaceful gardens.

Please note that Willowwood is open daily 8 am to Dusk. The Restroom, running water and other buildings are not open but there is a porta john available. Please follow all social distancing recommendations.

The gardens are open Mother’s Day but no activities are planned. Lilacs WILL NOT be sold on Mother’s Day. The Annual Lilac Party is postponed this year. Our NEW DATE is May 15, 2022. Look forward to seeing you then!

Lilacs Bloomin’ 4.25.2021

Welcome to the Willowwood Arboretum. The Lilacs are in bud and some of them like Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Annabel’, one of the best pinks, are just beginning to bloom. The next couple of weeks will be wonderful as more Lilacs will open with sweet lilac fragrance perfuming the air.

The 2021 Lilac Path Brochure (click here) is available for printing with our top seasonal picks and there is also a full list of all lilacs at WW under the “Gardens” – “Seasonal Highlights” Tab.

If you can’t visit – follow us on Instagram for pictures of plantings in bloom.

Come visit! Willowwood is open daily 8 am to dusk. No buildings/restroom are open but there is a portajohn available.

Bloom Report April 8, 2021

“Blossom by blossom the spring begins” -Algernon Charles Swinburne

Suddenly it’s SPRING at Willowwood!. This winter was brutal as February was the snowiest on record for this area with over 31 inches of snow. It may have felt like winter was never going to end but the sounds of spring- the chirping birds, the hum of maintenance equipment, and the sounds of visitors in the gardens- have returned.

Many of the spring bulbs are beginning to peak. Most of the early and mid-season Daffodils have begun to bloom in the gardens and should continue to bloom for the next few weeks if the weather stays mild. Other spring bulbs, such as the glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa sp.) and Siberian Squill (Scilla siberica), are coating many corners of the arboretum in blue flowers. Plant common names like these often tell us something about a plant. Chionodoxa are incredibly hardy flowers and these “glory of the snow” can tolerate and bloom in cold, snowy conditions. However, some common names are misnomers. Despite the common name for Siberian squill, they are native to the southern region of Russia and not Siberia. All of these bulbs can be seen in the garden bed near the conservatory underneath the Cornus mas (Cornealian Cherry) which is also currently in bloom with a profusion of small bunches of golden yellow flowers.

The other sirens of spring are Magnolias and Cherry Trees. Several early flowering varieties are in bloom such as the Prunus subhirtella in the cottage garden and Magnolia x loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’ in the orchard. While there currently are not any orchards at Willowwood, this part of the garden behind the Mediterranean inspired “Rosarie” garden was where the Tubbs family planted an apple orchard in the year following the purchase of “Willowwood Farm” in 1908 and it retains that historic garden name. The Redbuds (Cercis canadensis) and other varieties of Magnolias will also be blooming soon in the orchard area. Additional woody plants to look for that are in bloom around the grounds include these fragrant shrubs: Corylopsis glabrescens (Fragrant Winter Hazel), Viburnum farrieri ‘Candissimum’ (Fragrant Viburnum) and Lonicera fragrantissima (Fragrant Honeysuckle).

We are happy to announce that Willowwood’s regular daily operating schedule of 8AM to Dusk and all parking areas are open for the season. Please enjoy the gardens safely and respectfully.

CLICK HERE to see us on INSTAGRAM for more Spring pictures!

Zinnia Cheetham, Plant Records Curator Specialist, MCPC

Spring 2021 Update

Greetings and Happy Spring,


With spring in the air, lengthening daylight hours and the awakening of the natural world, I’m feeling my energy begin to return after a year like no other. Like many of you, my attention this time of year turns to the garden and our hidden Gem, the Willowwood Arboretum.

The gardens at Willowwood Arboretum are timeless. Mark Inzano, Manager of Horticulture, and his team, are hard at work preparing Willowwood for the “busy season”. A semblance of normalcy has returned to the Arboretum, however, the Foundation has decided to defer the Tubbs Lecture, Mother’s Day Open House and Lilac Party to Spring, 2022. Like most gatherings, guidance from CDC, state and local authorities has upset the cadence and new normals are being established. We all look forward to the resumption of these event dates at the earliest possible time and will communicate accordingly.
Through social media, linked websites and the Morris County Park Commission website, all available at: , a plethora of information and updates are available regarding the dynamic environment and opportunity to experience the Willowwood Arboretum. The bloom report compiled by stalwart Morris County Park Commission Plant Records Curator, Zinnia Cheetham, provides wonderful Willowwood specific seasonal updates.

While I would much rather invite you to events in person, these virtual resources continue to serve us rather well. As always, I would like to thank our donors as none of this would be possible without your support. If you feel connected to Willowwood, our mission or the team of dedicated stewards who manage the resource, please consider supporting our efforts. The Willowwood Foundation is a certified 501 © 3 for purposes of gifting and is eligible for Corporate Matching.

Warm Regards, Brace Krag, President, Willowwood Foundation