Willowwood’s Cherries after the Rain!

5/1/14 The weekend’s Bloom Report

After yesterday’s terrible rain and the generally poor weather this past week, we are delighted to let you know that The Cherries survived the rain! So with the great forecast for the next few days, we have extended the deadline for entries for the WW Fdn. Cherry Photo Contest to Sunday May 4th.

The tulips are ready to put on a show in the next few days and the pansies are blooming.
In the Winter Garden the Serviceberries (Amelanchier) are blooming and check out the white ‘Stainless’ daffodils that are in bloom along the path.

The Dogwoods and Redbuds that line the field edges are just showing color.

If you take a stroll down the Woodwalk you’ll see blue and yellow Primroses as well as the fiddleheads on the emerging ferns and the large rosettes of the skunk cabbage.

In the Conservatory the Lemons, Jasmine and Bird of Paradise are blooming.

Last modified on April 18th, 2023 at 4:30 pm