Author: Webmaster

Blooming 5/18/18

Wisteria Arbor by the Stone Barn

Willowwood is beginning to burst with lush foliage and colorful flowers from the plentiful rains the last few weeks. Visitors this week will see the Wisteria floribunda in peak bloom growing on rustic arbors throughout the gardens. The cottage garden is also beginning its display of alliums, cheerfully busting from the ground in explosions of color. The large purple orbs currently in bloom are Allium ‘Sensation’. These flowers in the onion family are a favorite!

Some other classic spring flowering shrubs and perennials are heralding Spring. Near the greenhouse, the blue star-shaped flowers of Amsonia tabernaemontana are in bloom and across the grounds, trees and shrubs in the Aesculus genus are beginning to bloom. One great location to see these is near the intersection of Patriot’s Path and the main drive. Here you can see a large Aesculus flava, yellow buckeye, and several Aesculus pavia, red buckeye, in full bloom. Aesculus parviflora, bottlebrush buckeye, is a butterfly magnet so keep an eye out for those long white flowers in the garden soon.
Finally, we all know what season it really is at Willowwood… Lilac Season! Our lilacs have been at their peak bloom this week. I recommend a walk through Highland Park (the grassy area across from the Stone Barn) to smell their sweet fragrance. Their cotton candy like groups of flowers are blooming in subtle shades of white, blue, purple, and pink. Here are a few to whet your appetite: Syringa ‘President Grevy’ (French lilac) and Syringa ‘Wedgwood Blue’ (Common Lilac). Come visit Willowwood soon to view the other beautiful lilacs in our collection!

Blooms on Mothers Day 5.13.18

Prunus serrulata cv 'Asagi'
Prunus serrulata cv ‘Asagi’

It may not be a bright sunny day but Mother’s Day and May is very special at the Willowwood Arboretum.
Mother Nature has been very capricious this Spring but we are delighted to have the vibrant redbuds, tulips, azaleas, the first Lilacs of the season, the lovely purple wisteria and the wonderful rare Japanese flowering ‘green’ cherry, Prunus serrulata cv. ‘Asagi’ in bloom.

Mother’s day and the next few weeks will bring spectacular color as all the trees and plants finally pop. Visit any day 8 am to dusk and just enjoy.

On Mother’s Day Sunday May 13, special lilacs will be for sale, an expanded self guided cell phone tour and garden tours will be available, weather permitting, from Noon to 4 pm. $5. Car fee this afternoon.

4th Annual Tubbs Lecture: Sunday, April 29th, 2018 1:30 pm

Speaker Dr. Alan Armitage

The Willowwood Foundation in partnership with the Morris County Park Commission is delighted to present the 4th Annual Tubbs Lecturer, Dr. Allan Armitage, on Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 1:30 pm at the Stone Barn, Willowwood Arboretum.

Tickets now available at $30 each. Call 973-326-7601 for registration.

Attendees will experience Dr. Armitage’s sharp wit and bottomless curiosity and learn the backstory behind the plant names “hooker’s lips” and “hairy balls,” along with other favorites including, “bachelor’s buttons,” “boneset,” and “bouncing bet” as related in his new book “Of Baked Ladies and Forget-Me-Nots“.

Dr. Allan Armitage is well known as an award-winning writer, international speaker, and researcher. In addition to 15 books, he’s written hundreds of academic and industry papers, as well as a unique monthly column for “Greenhouse Grower” for over 30 years. No column has ever been repeated! He is an Emeritus Professor of Horticulture at the University of Georgia (retired 2014). His app for smartphones and tablets, “Armitage’s Greatest Perennials & Annuals,” serves as a bridge between industry and consumer and is popular for home gardeners and industry professionals alike. He holds academic degrees from McGill University, Canada, University of Guelph, Canada and Michigan State University, USA. Allan has introduced over 20 plants to the gardening community, including best-sellers Verbena ‘Homestead Purple’ and ‘Margarita’ ornamental sweet potato.

Early Fall, September 29, 2017

The Cottage Garden

Yes, the weather forecast is for cooler (Fallish) weather this weekend but it will warm up a bit again and the gardens at the Willowwood Arboretum are in full, late summer bloom – just lush and gorgeous! Plan a visit before first frost and stroll through the gardens or hike one of the trails through the meadows to Bamboo Brook to see the reflecting pools.

Hikers, Trail walkers – Look at this article 9.11.17

If you like to walk the trails and/or hike around Willowwood and Bamboo Brook, late summer and into late fall with the changing foliage and blooming meadows is a perfect time.

This article “When you could in Jersey — and touch Africa” by Michele S. Byers, Executive Director of New Jersey Conservation Foundation, on our News Page will provide a different perspective as you walk around both properties.