Bloom Report

New and Notable in Willowwood’s Gardens.

Click the title of a bloom report to open it and view its pictures.

  • June 10: Blooms at Willowwood

    There is much in bloom here at Willowwood this week: in the Rosarie, several varieties of clematis, roses, white baptisia, luminously yellow evening primroses, and oakleaf hydrangea. In the Cottage Garden: hardy geraniums, white foxgloves, spotted deadnettle, lady’s mantle, poppies and cornflowers. However, despite the abundance of blooms, June is really a month to celebrate the ...
  • Blooming in the Gardens 5.27.16

    May has been a spectacular month at Willowwood, and there is so much in bloom here now that a short report will hardly do it justice: you will simply have to come and see the gardens for yourself! Later-flowering lilacs are still in bloom, and a stroll through the Lilac Collection will reward you with restful ...
  • Now Bloomin’ May 21st

    After all this rain, which we needed, the weathermen are predicting some sun on Saturday and more on Sunday afternoon. With lots warmer temps headed our way mid to end next week. The rain has helped nourish the Spring flowers in the gardens (the tulips and daffodils are finished) and the lilacs and other ...
  • Dogwoods and early Lilacs in Bloom 4.30.16

    The weather may have turned a bit cooler lately, but that hasn’t deterred the plants here at Willowwood, where spring is really at its peak. Redbuds and dogwoods are blooming; look for them near the entrance gate and along the woodland edge, visible across the meadows as you drive in. Crabapples have joined the chorus, ...
  • Spring Bloomin’ 4.15.16

    The weather forecast for this weekend looks wonderful, so plan a stroll or walk through the Willowwood Arboretum Mornings at Willowwood have been filled with the lively sounds of bird chatter, and night time temperatures here seem to be finally inching higher. Daffodils, magnolias, forsythias and cherries continue to put on a cheerful show throughout the ...
  • Bloom report ‘Magnolias’ 3.31.16

    Lots of daffodils still in bloom but Magnolias and Cherry trees have started blooming this week at Willowwood, and are putting on an elegant display in shades of pink, white and cream. As you drive through the entrance gates, look for Magnolia x loebneri ‘Willowwood’ immediately on the right, with its densely petaled white flowers. M. ‘Royal ...
  • Daffodils Arrive! March 17, 2016

    Leucojum vernum The very first daffodil blooms have been spotted this week at Willowwood! They are just starting to make a cheerful and very welcome show in the Alfalfa Field along the drive and in the Winter Garden. Keep watching over the next weeks as more and more varieties appear. Siberian squill, Scilla siberica, has carpeted large ...
  • Spring! March 2016

    Spring is on its way to Willowwood! Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) and snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) are out in full force now, especially in the Cottage Garden and the Rockery. The Cottage Garden looks as though it is covered in a bright yellow carpet: winter aconite has naturalized beautifully there. Crocuses are just beginning to make ...
  • Witch Hazels Flowering – January 2016

    Hamamelis ‘Jelena’ (closeup) Sara Perzley of the Parks Commission writes (and sends the beautiful pictures): “Thought I’d send these photos of the two witch hazels between the Cottage Garden and the drive in front of the Tubbs House…they’re in flower and looking lovely. I wouldn’t have expected blooms until mid to late February, but I guess they ...
  • Early Winter Highlights — December 2015

    w. ‘Winter Gold’ The official start of winter is only a few weeks away. Willowwood is entering a quieter season, but there are still highlights in the gardens and surrounding landscape to notice and enjoy on your next visit. The arboretum’s subtle, early winter color palette is greatly enlivened by its many winterberries (Ilex verticillata), some of ...